It occurs in Canada far too often in a society where tolerance should be a given.
Was Mr. Madu racial profiled? Will the investigation go beyond the call to the police chief? Why is the police union objecting?

Photo credit to CBC, Larry MacDougal/The Canadian Press
"Madu and Chief Dale McFee both confirmed that the ticket was discussed on the call and, in that context, that the minister had also raised concerns about racial profiling and issues related to surveillance by the Lethbridge Police Service of a former cabinet minister.
The two men say no request was made to have the fine dropped. Madu has denied being on his cellphone while driving, contrary to the details included on the traffic ticket."

"As a Black woman raising a Black son, I worry about the current situation of racial profiling in Canada. I ask myself: Are Black people safe? What is being done to better protect us? Is my son going to be safe in such a society? Will he be the next George Floyd? What needs to be done to bring reform?"
Rebecca Charles
"Extensive research has demonstrated that discriminatory profiling has been a persistent social evil, disproportionately affecting Indigenous, Black, and racialized peoples. However, there is still no law in Canadian policing that specifically targets or bans arbitrary stops and similar practices based on conventional stereotypes and biases."