Chinatown is dedicated to bringing attention to Asian Hate Crimes which have existed for decades. Mel- Lisa Lapira, shares her experience as a child and how her mother was spit upon. Exactly the racist behavior in cities across North America today.
If we don't speak up. If we don't act, racism will continue to grow setting equality back decades.
A young Asian woman by the name of Chloe came to Robin because she thought a member of her community had been killed. The police didn’t take Chloe’s concerns seriously because the victim died in a supposed electric fire and the fire was ruled accidental. The police completely ignored the fact that Ms. Li’s new bakery was being targeted by racists to her lead up to death. It got so bad that Chloe escorted her every time she left her bakery.
Some guy in the neighborhood had stopped by for some late-night pork buns. He was there when he heard some guys breaking the window to get in and he ran off rather than call for help or stay to personally assist the woman.
Another Asian business was attacked. They had the same thing and they tried to tell the police but the police ignored them because they didn’t bother looking for an interpreter for the witness. The same witness saw the men fleeing and get into a van.
Frank created the distraction by wanting a late-night snack. His friends broke into the back and so Frank was in on them killing a woman. The police could have captured the people responsible two weeks ago and before Ms. Li’s death if they had only done their jobs by following the earlier complaint.
Dante wished he could do more and he heard it from Ray who knew his father that often the police let down people of color, but it was up to good people like Dante to continue doing the work.
I saw this episode. Queen Latifa is great in her role as an avenger. Only people of color can relate to what happened.