Do you shut your phone off upon arriving at work? You should.
Work is work. If there is an emergency the caller can contact the switchboard, your boss or a designated employee...but not you.
Using your personal phone while on the job.
"We all are guilty of this practice [NO we are not]. You’re at work, minding your own business when your phone starts buzzing. It’s your best friend, calling to chat about their latest drama.
You think to yourself, “It’s just a quick call. I’ll be able to get back to work in no time.”
This could get you fired...on the spot.
You are at work, being paid for your efforts, for your contribution to the company.
Communication Etiquette
"Here are some email habits that are sure to annoy your co-workers:
Using all caps
CC’ing everyone on every email
Sending long, rambling emails
Forgetting to attach files
Hitting “Reply All” when you only meant to reply to one person."
Ensure your tone is appropriate and that you’re not overly aggressive or passive-aggressive. Try to keep your emails short and to the point. No one wants to read a novel when they’re checking their email.
Proof-read your email before sending to ensure you have acknowledged the above pitfalls.
Don't eat at your desk
Don't interrupt fellow employees unless it is absolutely mandatory. If necessary, do it seldom.
Dress appropriately. You should know the dress code before your first interview and adhere to it daily.
Know when it is appropriate to use company time to chat with fellow employees about your/their social life.
Our appreciation to Darshak Rana for the informative and motivating post.
I learned these guidelines in my high school business class, just had to add the phone to following them. I turn mine off once I hit my desk. I can't imagine trying to concentrate otherwise.