My Birthday coming up at end of the month and Betty & I were joking about what Nursing Home I'd like to go to.
I have always told folks they haven't built a Nursing Home yet that can keep me there .
Growing old today is a luxury and privilege some folks don't get the chance to enjoy.
Despite your aches and pains and robbing Peter to pay Paul, it still is a fun time, the trick is to quit bitching and worrying about things you have no control over and live your life to the fullest, no more time clocks, bosses and worrying do you have enough gas to get to work all week?
Never let folks say you have no idea of what you are talking about because every grey hair on your head you earned with your wisdom and hard work as you traveled down life's path.
Some names I've encountered from disrespectful young folks, old fart, old coot, stupid old man.
You can call us old folks what you may, but keep in mind, we are the reason you enjoy freedom and democracy and have a chance to live your dreams in this great country Canada you call home!
Wayne Pine