Motivation acquired from a Border Collie.
What this incredibly talented canine work the sheep.
We had two on our ranch, sisters, who used to move cattle and horses daily.
Our farrier, Danny Lytton, when I asked him about training the puppies, he said, "No need. Just stand where you want the horses to arrive and let the pups do the rest."
Great advice from a seasoned cowboy.
Kelsie and Angel also worked their wonders on chickens.
One day the chicken run door blew adjar and 100 birds began milling around.
Every try and catch a chicken?😀
The girls were maybe 4 months old and playing on another part of the ranch when I yelled for them.
Like twin fighter jets they came blasting through the bush, arrived at the pen and immediately began herding the birds into the covered run.
Border Collies crouch and stalk their target, creeping up on them on their stomachs. One at one end of the flock, slowly moving them in.
Zero training.