This post is attempting to view the incident through the eyes of the officers involved.
The altercation began with a hose soaking and ended tragically.
The deceased's tox screening provides the why.
As noted in the testimony, once officers were on the scene they couldn't leave with the suspect in such a neurotic state.
Having trained with 250 pound powerlifting officers who broke every approved hold we were able to control them only with this tactic; "After another bout of “superhuman strength” in which Gray was able to “power out” of Birzneck’s grip, the officer testified that he applied a “vascular neck restraint.”
Although my experience was in training many officers will attest to street experience; the Taser, Pepper Spray and baton often being ineffective with a powerful suspect.
Many discussions were held with the majority supporting the need to authorize taking a suspect like this with a kick to a knee.
I just have to add that I've controlled more male suspects with a kick to their groin than I can count. Works!