"A judge ruled that the original hearing was tainted because the adjudicator consulted privately with an RCMP use-of-force expert."

Sadly, the RED SERGE is no longer the pride of Canada
Photo credit to Unsplash
This incident has to be one of the most outlandish injustices on record.
Had the man confronted anyone else he might have been punched in the face! But this Mountie took the high road and de-escalated the confrontation.
The audacity, besides this jerk, is the police giving any credence to the whiner.
We have seen far too many similar cases in British Columbia from the Independent Office of Investigations, which of course is not Independent but comprised of retired police officers.
We hope the National Police Federation is working with the officer.
Do we wonder why the RCMP is having difficulty getting recruits?
"Carola said she was trying to defuse the situation in keeping with her police training, but the adjudicator said she overstepped her authority by flashing her badge to settle a personal, civilian matter. She was handed a written reprimand and ordered to take two online courses."
This treatment of RCMP officers is the norm by the Force.
as well as
Black Cop
to understand how broken the RCMP is.