On the evening of January 31, 2022, a Kelowna RCMP Constable was patrolling Glenmore Drive in Kelowna when he observed a man in a powered wheel chair sitting in oncoming traffic.
The Constable looped around and spoke with the man who reported the battery on his wheel chair had died and he had been stranded on the side of the road in cold for nearly three hours.

The Constable made attempts to arrange a ride for the man and transport his chair; however, these attempts were not successful so with that, the Constable called another member for assistance.
Together, the Constables from Watch 3 pushed the man back to his residence while their Corporal patrolled ahead keeping the road clear and safe along the way.
The man was very appreciative and his family called the detachment the following week to express their gratitude and thank these members from Watch 3 for going “above and beyond” the call of duty.
Our appreciation to retired RCMP Member Roy Davidson for naming The Horsemen and his contribution to Social Secrets & Vancouver Secrets and to retired Member Richard Drought and currently serving Inspector Lorne Wood for their assistance in the plot development.
Read about THE HORSEMEN, a fictional pub in Edmonton, Alberta, the philosophy behind its creation.

200 # and a stormy winter evening.
A vehicle spun out on the icy road and landed down an embankment.
My friend was first on the scene, ran down to the vehicle in two feet of snow.
The driver was a paraplegic. Jerry cut him out of his seatbelt and carried him up the embankment, arriving at the PC just as the ambulance pulled in.
The paramedics were enthralled by Jerry's actions estimating the driver was over 200 #.
Jerry's response?
This is what we do!!