It is a disservice and dangerous to teach officers tactics which are created to prevent management blowback.
An RCMP Commissioner is renown for saying to trainees, "You don't want to see your face on the front page of the Globe & Mail."
I'd rather have that and have a suspect in custody than my family read my obituary because my tactics were politically correct.
As a defensive tactics trainer I encourage you not to dismiss these women as, "simply competitors" who would not survive in the real world without rules.
Police officers live by rules.
Vancouverites didn't hire LEOs to be nice in the face of an attack and they don't expect officers to talk a person into complying with an arrest.
Please don't jeopardize our officers' lives by ineffective tactics.
Learn to "ATTACK YOUR ATTACKER" Colonel Rex Applegate
Couldn't agree more. There is no way I am going to negotiate an arrest with a suspect. Either s/he complies or I force the issue and I do so without concern for upper management's opinion. I'd rather be safe, as noted above and have a suspect off the street than dead.