Mounties tracked down the complainant for passing a stopped school bus.
Readers wonder why the man has drawn attention to his disregard for the safety of children, his nakedness and inability to remember to lock his entry door.
"There’s such a gross overreach – an abuse of power – that I believe happened with them coming into my home,” Forbes said. “And I think Canadians need to be aware that this has happened and it is happening. It’s an erosion of not just my rights but everybody’s rights.”
"I feel like this is supposed to be my safe place and it’s not,” he said. "That has been violated.”
Driver ignores the reality than an unlocked door does not create a safe place.
What would a prudent person do under these circumstances? Cover up with a towel and thank the officers for checking to make sure he was safe...considering the unlocked door?
Good question Rebecca! I'm sure many officers will attest to the rise in trivial lawsuits against them. There are many highlighted here: