This incident occurred prior to the arrival of detachment commander Supt. Kara Triance.
"Kelowna RCMP Const. Lesley Smith was head officer in the case, according to the review files obtained by Black Press Media. Smith was found to have told the woman that an investigation wasn’t worth RCMP time, instead offering to educate the survivor on “how not to have sex”.

According to Statistics Canada, nearly 40 per cent of sexual assaults reported to Kelowna RCMP were deemed “unfounded” in 2018. That number is more than double the 15 per cent average across the province and dwarfs the under-5-percent averages in Vancouver and Victoria. (Michael Rodriguez - Kelowna Capital News)
The review concluded that Smith was neglectful in her duty as an officer, as well as that she had an improper attitude by questioning the professionalism of the woman’s counsellor, who was with the woman when she disclosed the assault to police."
Smith has since left the RCMP
"Lawsuits, controversies and even criminal charges against officers have plagued the detachment over the past couple of years as local Mounties have faced allegations of excessive force, sexual assault and more."

Photos of Mona Wang, the injuries she sustained and a still from surveillance footage of Const. Lacey Browning pushing her head into the ground with a boot. (Contributed)
Triance is facing a long and arduous journey to change the misogynistic, sexist, bullying, racism & harassment mentality and climate of the RCMP in general and Kelowna detachment in particular.
Senior Executive Committee
Brenda Lucki Commissioner,
Frances McRae Chief Administrative Officer
Brian Brennan Deputy Commissioner, Contract and Indigenous Policing
Michael Duheme Deputy Commissioner, Federal Policing
Stephen White Deputy Commissioner, Specialized Policing Services
Alison Whelan Chief Strategic Policy and External Relations Officer
Jen O'Donoughue Chief Financial Officer
Gail Johnson Chief Human Resources Officer
Curtis Zablocki Deputy Commissioner, Commanding Officer for K Division
Dwayne McDonald Deputy Commissioner, Commanding Officer for E Division
In addition:
Chief Superintendent DeAnna Hill, Newfoundland and Labrador "B" Division
Assistant Commissioner Jodie Boudreau "O" Division
Chief Superintendent Amanda Jones, Commanding Officer, Nunavut "V" Division
Assistant Commissioner François Deschênes, Commanding Officer, Quebec "C" Division
Chief Superintendent Jamie Zettler, Commanding Officer, Northwest Territories "G" Division
Chief Supt. Lee Bergerman, Commanding Officer Nova Scotia "H" Division
Assistant Commissioner Larry Tremblay, Commanding Officer, New Brunswick "J" Division
Chief Superintendent Scott Sheppard, Commanding Officer, Yukon "M" Division
Chief Superintendent Jennifer Ebert, Commanding Officer, Prince Edward Island "L" Division
Assistant Commissioner Rhonda Blackmore, Commanding Officer, Saskatchewan "F" Division
Assistant Commissioner Jane MacLatchy, Commanding Officer Manitoba"D" Division
Chief Superintendent Sylvie Bourassa-Muise as the Commanding Officer, RCMP Depot Division, which includes the RCMP Academy.
NOTE, might a female leader change the training dynamics at Depot?
With a history of militaristic indoctrination/training, changing the gender of national leaders alone will not move the Force from its current and historic degrading behavior.
A massive re-education is required immediately.
If this behavior and track record existed in a corporation the size to equal the thousands of RCMP employees, everyone involved would have been fired immediately.