The children who died at residential schools in Canada and the United States never had a voice, never had an opportunity to yell for help, have an advocate for their well being, never saw their families again after forcibly removed from their homes.
September 30, 2021
The children now have a voice. They have the voice of millions of Canadians and Americans speaking out against the decade of atrocities. Speaking out against the continued destruction of a culture, a way of life and in many instances, failure to believe the horror stories of thousands of survivors.
They have voices who will see that moving forward, these two great nations will treat indigenous people with the dignity and respect all Canadians and Americans deserve.
They have voices who will acknowledge that we can't change the past, we can't change the disgusting behavior of our forefathers but we can ensure that the future encompasses a future filled with hope and prosperity, free from racism, judgement or political manipulation.
Our appreciation to Michelle Terez for the magnificent photos and moving commentary of this pole, celebrated on September 30, 2021 for Truth & Reconciliation.
Thank you Michelle for these powerful words and the gorgeous photos. I agree completely.