In reference to Trudeau's choosing to sit on the deck of his rented Tofino beach resort condo while within walking distance First Nations Peoples gathered and marched to honor the first day of Reconciliation.
"Absent further explanation, the impression we are left with is a prime minister who simply doesn't give a damn about anything when he doesn't feel like it-even reconciliation, which is one of his signature issues. Readers may recall Trudeau's famous reaction to protesters who interrupted a 2019 fundraiser in Toronto on behalf of Ontario First Nations who have dealt with mercury poisoning for decades. 'Thank you for your donation'.
Maybe that's the real him. If it is, he probably needs to get out of the way."
Chris Selley National Post
Here is Pierre giving the finger to reporters. The apple not falling far from the tree?
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
refers to a father/mother and son/daughter not being different from one another or being identical in their actions, behaviors, etc.
Dad gets caught stealing in his teen years and then his son gets caught stealing as a teen. The mother might look at the father and say, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
Urban Dictionary