It is both alarming and sad that so many Canadians listen to Carlson and accept his version of reality as their own.
Also disturbing is what draws Canadians to American politics when it has zero to do with Canadians.
Please do your own research before believing anything Carlson says.
Here is his misinformation and distortion of the truth.
“Our news media barely noted that it happened. Weirdest of all,” Carlson said, “the State Department, which exists these days to denounce such attackers of democracy as Hungary and Poland, didn’t say a single word as democracy in Canada ended.”
“Justin Trudeau,” Carlson declared, “is no longer the prime minister of Canada. Justin Trudeau is Canada’s maximum leader, its strongman, its potentate. Justin Trudeau is the dictator of Canada. If you think that’s an overstatement, try to think of another way to describe what Justin Trudeau is now doing.”
Through the Emergencies Act, “Trudeau has the power to crush all political opposition,” he has “ended free speech in Canada. He’s banned free assembly…shut down political rallies and arrested his political critics without probable cause.”
Carlson detailed that Trudeau restricted “travel within Canada, to the politically obedient. Canadians are no longer allowed to leave their own country unless they obey Justin Trudeau.”
If they don’t? Financial ruin, Carlson explained, “Trudeau has claimed the power to freeze the financial assets of any Canadian who resists him. No court order is required to do this, he just decides.”