Canadians will no longer be able to purchase, trade or sell handguns.
What will happen to our competitive Olympic Team?

Photo courtesy of Canada's Olympic Committee
The new legislation is not a knee jerk reaction to the recent Texas tragedy, the Liberal party has had this in the works for months and quite possibly chose not to introduce the controversial bill prior to the last election for fear of losing votes from savvy Canadians.
Every adult Canadian knows that criminals have a steady supply of handguns smuggled in from the U.S.
Former Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair, now a Liberal minister stated so before the last election.

"New gun control legislation the federal government tabled Monday includes a national freeze on the purchase, sale, importation and transfer of handguns in Canada."
"They include taking away firearms licenses from those involved in domestic violence or criminal harassment, increasing criminal penalties for smuggling and trafficking of firearms, and a "red flag" law which would require people deemed a threat to themselves or others to turn in their firearms to law enforcement."
It is sad and regrettable that so many Canadians, Liberals, Conservatives, New Democrats, Greens et al believe the political diatribe Trudeau enlists for your support.
The Public Safety Minister twisting reality, pulling at the nation's heart-strings creating a vision of Big Brother, the Protectorate.
Mendicino said at the news conference. "It's a battle which has claimed too many lives, leaving empty chairs at the dinner table, and empty desks in our classrooms."

The following section is a massive Red Flag for me. A prudent Canadian would agree that this inclusion is mandatory. The irony is that the following is already the policy.
Police across the country routinely confiscate firearms from those who pose a threat to society.
"They include taking away firearms licenses from those involved in domestic violence or criminal harassment, increasing criminal penalties for smuggling and trafficking of firearms, and a "red flag" law which would require people deemed a threat to themselves or others to turn in their firearms to law enforcement."
Canadian firearms laws are already strict. A firearms license is not easy to acquire and a separate one is needed for a handgun. Former Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair said the vast majority of firearms used to commit crimes are smuggled in through Windsor and other ports.
Trudeau doesn't need to pander to Liberal voters as he has a mandate until 2025.
What is his purpose?
Canadian politicians are no different than ours, they use whatever means necessary to advance their position. Every American tragedy involving a shooting, particularly school incidents, has seen a rush of gun control advocates wanting tighter controls while opponents seek legislation to arm every teacher.
If the National Post's Tristin Hopper can research and discover the truth, why won't the Liberal government?
Of course, the know this information, they are attempting to gain voter support even though they are protected until 2025 by the NDP.
Trudeau made direct reference to a recent mass-shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, in his decision this week to “freeze” the sale or transfer of handguns. Not mentioned was that the shooting was actually committed with a long gun. Or that Uvalde is in the United States, and thus not subject to Canadian law. Or that the shooting would almost certainly have been prevented in Canada due to our existing latticework of laws, which are actually pretty good at screening out mentally ill gun owners.
Or that handgun shootings in Canada are almost entirely committed with smuggled U.S. firearms that are already illegal.
A high-profile drive by U.S. progressives to counter mass shooting by banning the AR-15 rifle has also had a clear influence on Trudeau policy. The Liberals can’t ban the AR-15, because it’s already prohibited in Canada, but they did issue a 2020 Order-in-Council banning 1,500 long guns that look like the AR-15, even if they might happen to differ dramatically in capability and rate of fire.
Notably, that particular order was issued in response to a Nova Scotia mass shooting that was committed with smuggled U.S. firearms.
American gun-control advocates will be watching this proposed legislation closely to see if it passes but from what my Canuck friends say, with the NDP supporting the Liberals, unless there is voter backlash, its passage is all but guaranteed.
How will Americans use this to advance their gun-control agenda?
Some may remember Allan Rock, Canada's infamous politician who altered police data to create a positive image for his gun-control legislation. I sat in on several lectures on how law enforcement can protect its data from being manipulated by legislators.