October 1962
Canadian and America battle ships were prepared to fire on the Soviet ships if they tried to run the blockade.
"The Cuban missile crisis marked the climax of an acutely antagonistic period in U.S.-Soviet relations. The crisis also marked the closest point that the world had ever come to global nuclear war. It is generally believed that the Soviets’ humiliation in Cuba played an important part in Khrushchev’s fall from power in October 1964 and in the Soviet Union’s determination to achieve, at the least, a nuclear parity with the United States."
Our appreciation to the Orlando Sentinel for the photo
"Russia threatens to attack western arms shipments"
I don't remember this personally but studied the incident as well as the Bay of Pigs invasion which we botched and the deployment of Marines to invade Cuba hours after the assassination of JFK. We made a difference in the world then, apparently not now.