British Columbia volunteers have educated business and home owners in crime prevention for decades.
In conjunction with the RCMP, the professionals in crime prevention, volunteers with considerable background in crime prevention conduct seminars, the content of which heightens entrepreneur's awareness of the criminal element, demonstrate covert panic buttons for employees, enhanced CTV systems which blanket communities to track offenders and educating residents to lock-up.

Bike thefts and thefts from vehicles June 27-July 3, 2022 Photo courtesy RCMP
The cost to tax payers? Zero. No "professional" needed to be hired, no massive campaign for schools with the result of a community working together to create Kamloops a zero opportunity for criminals.
"Blundell [Community Service Manager} said an education approach should target young girls in grades 4 through 6. She said it is a vulnerable stage, during which time youth are drawn into gangs."
Parents, is the city's assessment of Kamloops' children and gangs accurate?