When I was a caseworker at a Vancouver Downtown Eastside Detox, we were told that Canada’s worst pedophile was released on parole to the CSC in our building. We were told about one of his most serious crimes, he had finished doing time for abusing a little boy and upon release from prison he went to find that little boy and abused him again.
The CSC office was directly across from mine. We shared a common waiting area.
Sometimes Shawn would sit & wait for his parole officer by my office door, these visits were constantly happening. He argued every condition loudly, burned through multiple parole officers because he was difficult to work with & boasted about this to every new parole officer he was assigned.
He liked to dress in “theme”, sometimes he would look like a Handyman, a minister, a dog catcher, a university professor. The costumes weren’t included in his parole conditions so he could wear anything he wanted.
The building had upgraded the locks to something “higher security”, all staff now used key cards to enter their offices. My key card malfunctioned & I couldn’t open my door, Shawn just happened to be sitting there waiting for his parole officer, he then jumped up to help me. Before I could say anything & within seconds my new high security lock was unlocked, Shawn opened my office door. I was in shock, I asked Shawn where he learned how to do that he said “Prison”.
A staff members grandson went missing in the building. They found the little boy with Shawn Deacon in his bedroom. It was insane that Shawn took a staff members child into his bedroom in a csc building while on parole.
Another time Shawn was found with keys to the building that had gone missing. No one knew how he got them.
I am concerned, I saw too much to stay quiet.
He always presented as a significant risk because he argued conditions constantly, refused treatment, refused to cooperate, had a strong “authoritative energy” & wore costumes that “created trust”.
The police are warning the public, but they make no reference to his dress up habits.
It’s been 10 yrs since I left that field of work, I was a detox caseworker in a building that took high risk parolee’s because the location met specific parole conditions, such as not being near where children congregate.
I was sworn to public safety in my previous position, to report anything that would jeopardize the safety of a minor, I hope this disclosure keeps children safe.
Thank you Amber D for this valuable information
