Hells Angels “Support Club” expansion into Kamloops targeted by CFSEU-BC and Kamloops RCMP Investigation
Kamloops City, B.C.
2022-07-20 13:04 PDT
Kamloops, B.C. – Three men have now been charged by the Public Prosecution Service of Canada with several drug-related offences following a joint investigation between the Kamloops RCMP’s Targeted Enforcement Unit (TEU) and the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of British Columbia (CFSEU-BC). The investigation that began in 2017 resulted in the seizure of over four kilograms of drugs, a handgun, over $330,000 in cash and arrests that helped prevent the expansion of an Outlaw Motorcycle support Club for the Kelowna Chapter of the Hells Angels in the Kamloops area.
In early 2017, Kamloops RCMP’s TEU began a drug investigation and information received quickly led their investigators to believe that members of the Throttle Lockers Motorcycle Club, a support club for the Kelowna Chapter of the Hells Angels, were suspects in an alleged large-scale drug trafficking operation as they began to expand into the Kamloops area.
In July 2018, CFSEU-BC’s Southeast District team assumed the lead of the investigation, targeting several known prospects of the Throttle Lockers who were allegedly trafficking drugs in the Kamloops area.
In November 2019, the CFSEU-BC and Kamloops RCMP conducted three search warrants in the Kamloops area. Kamloops RCMP issued an initial media release that can be read here:
Read the original release here. In these search warrants, two men were arrested and the following items were seized:
Over $330,000.00 in Canadian currency
174 grams of fentanyl,
704 grams of cocaine,
1.7 kilograms of methamphetamine,
One 40 caliber handgun with ammunition
One AirSoft replica handgun
Throttle Lockers Motorcycle Club vest
Hells Angels support gear
Various items and paraphernalia related to drug trafficking including;
Brass knuckles
Digital scales and alleged drug score sheets
Cash counting machines
The investigation continued over the next several months into 2020 and resulted in the arrest of a third male.
On June 28th, 2022, the Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC) approved the following charges;
Shawn Carlisle, a 49-year-old male from Falkland
3 Counts of Trafficking in Cocaine - Sec 5(1) CDSA
1 Count of Selling Cannabis Contrary to Sec 10(1)(a) of the Cannabis Act
Zale Coty, a 53-year-old male from Kamloops
2 Counts of Trafficking in Cocaine - Sec 5(1) CDSA
1 Count of Trafficking in Fentanyl – Sec 5(1) CDSA
1 Count of Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (Fentanyl) - Sec 5(2) CDSA
1 Count of Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (Cocaine) - Sec 5(2) CDSA
1 Count of Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (Methamphetamine) - Sec 5(2) CDSA
1 Count Conspiracy to Commit Indictable Offence of Trafficking Fentanyl - Sec 465(1)(c) CCC
Jacob Cavanagh, a 29-year-old male from Kamloops
1 Count of Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (Fentanyl) - Sec 5(2) CDSA
1 Count Conspiracy to Commit Indictable Offence of Trafficking Fentanyl - Sec 465(1)(c) CCC
All three men remain out of custody and on conditions while they await the court process.
The results of this proactive investigation initiated by the Kamloops RCMP and then led by the CFSEU-BC disrupted an alleged significant drug trafficking network and the Throttle Lockers from establishing a clubhouse in Kamloops.
When the Kamloops RCMP Detachment started this project in 2017, there had been a number of violent offences related to organized crime, including a high-profile homicide, assaults, and other serious events related to the drug trade. Intelligence was indicating that members of the Throttle Lockers were active in Kamloops and were considering expanding their presence and control by opening a clubhouse in Kamloops, said Superintendent Sydney Lecky, Kamloops RCMP Officer in Charge.
Efforts began to target this threat to our community and it’s a credit to then Superintendent, Brad Mueller, Investigative Service’s Simon Pillay, and the TEU, who began the project. The initiative and its results are consistent with the Kamloops RCMP Detachment’s priorities then and still to address organized crime in the community.
Not only does the success announced today highlight the tremendous work done by the Kamloops Detachment, but also demonstrates the importance of partnerships and joint-operations with CFSEU-BC and other support units.
This collaborative effort led by CFSEU-BC not only unveiled alleged drug trade activity in the Kamloops area, but also gave CFSEU-BC an opportunity to disrupt the expansion of a Hells Angels support club, says Superintendent Duncan Pound, CFSEU-BC’s Deputy Operations Officer. We remain committed to working with our law enforcement partners across the province to target those who pose the greatest risk to public safety due to their involvement in gang-related activities. Police in British Columbia are unified in our resolve to suppress, disrupt, and prevent groups like the Throttle Lockers who show such wanton disregard for the well-being of Canadians.
CFSEU-BC would like to thank and recognize the Kamloops RCMP, as well as members of the RCMP’s Southeast District Federal Serious and Organized Crime unit that assisted throughout the investigation.

"A full patch Hells Angel had his TikTok account banned recently after posting photos of himself dropping water balloons from a Vancouver apartment building onto homeless people"
"Direct indictment is a special legal power available to prosecutors that can only be approved by the attorney general or their deputy. It sends a prosecution straight to trial, taking away an accused person’s right to a preliminary inquiry.
Preliminary inquiries are hearings at which prosecutors typically present a bare-bones version of their case, after which a judge decides whether there is enough evidence to proceed to trial. The hearings serve as a safeguard against false allegations and also allow defence lawyers a sneak peek at the Crown’s case, often very useful in preparing for a trial.
Direct indictments are typically used in cases that are extremely complex or reliant on extensive wire tap evidence, though there is nothing to indicate that is the case with Coty, Cavanagh and Carlisle."
I am beyond comprehending anyone who believes the Hells Angels, and their puppet clubs are "Good Guys".
But I have relatives who voted for the Peoples Party of Canada, believe there is a massive conspiracy, supported the Freedom Riders descending on Ottawa and Washington. Discussing politics with them is an exercise in futility.
Regardless of one's politics, the recent events in Ottawa and Washington coupled with the comments expressed regarding the Hells Angels should give every citizen reason to ponder.
Thanks for sharing this Rebecca. As a former LEO I'm sure you are having difficulty, as am I, in understanding how so many people, many on this FB site Americans, believe the Hells Angels are "Good Guys".
This is from last month.
"On Wednesday, a judge found Jonathan Nelson, aka "Jon Jon," 46, of Santa Rosa; Russell Taylor Ott, aka "Rusty," 69, also of Santa Rosa, and Brian Wayne Wendt, 45, of Tulare, guilty of having killed one of their own members and and to have taken part in conspiracy to commit murder, the Department Of Justice said."
For those supporters there's this
81 stands for Hells Angeles
8 is H in the alphabet and 1 is A
I find some of the attitudes towards the Hells Angels fascinating. A little research into the gang in Canada and I found Canadian Magazine November 1967-biker gangs met in Clinton, British Columbia.
The small community 5 hours north of Vancouver were immediately intimidated by the gangs taking items from stores and not paying, kicking patrons out of restaurants and taking gas without paying.
There were many citizens were busy on their ranches and not aware of the invasion. Around 6 pm they were informed. Several ranchers drove to a hilltop above the biker's camp ground and opened fire.
They didn't shoot at the bikers but their motorcycles, destroying many. The gangs packed up and left that night not wanting to push their luck against locals.
Hells Angels. The link below to the FB comments are revealing and yet disturbing. This person believes they are harmless.
"Michelle Flint
This entire blog is here to alarm people. I'm not concerned its just more propaganda insighting potential violence, scare tactics and hysteria. Yet,Thanks for the heads up steeple people. Try and have some fun and positivity in your life. G'nite!!"
"Donnalee Sand
Kenny Russell I am not scared of the hells Angels. I trust and Love them But I do not trust the Government at all I do not like all he has done to damage and control our lives. HES RUING US"
Reading the comments on the original post reveal how divided Canada has become that the actions of one of the most violent and criminal groups are fanaticized and violence at America's Capitol and protests in Ottawa are equated to expressing a desire for freedom.
This could be Kamloops or any community.
The Hells Angels have feeder gangs like major league sports? Farm chapters? Yikes!!
As a columnist for Black Press, writing Rural Crime Watch for the 100 Mile Free Press, the editor was threatened by the Throttle Lockers local chapter if they published one of my articles. The motor cycle gang threatened to torch the newspaper office.