Unlike the RCMP National and "H" Division, British Columbia Mounties appear to be forthright in warning citizens in a somewhat timely manner and the details of their terminating the shooter.
"The man suspected of shooting four people in Langley Monday, killing two of them, wore at least two different outfits during the attacks, police now believe.
On Tuesday investigators with the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team released two still video images of Jordan Daniel Goggin, the 28-year-old believed to have been the shooter.
One shows Goggin wearing a loose black T-shirt and brightly coloured pants. IHIT says he was wearing board shorts. An item in his hands has been blurred out in the photo.
Goggin then changed into brown overalls and a camouflage short-sleeved T-shirt, said Sgt. David Lee, spokesperson for IHIT.
The second outfit was captured by cameras at Creek Stone Place, the supportive housing complex on 200th Street where the second shooting victim was killed at about 3 a.m. on Monday.

Our appreciation to the RCMP for the photo.
Investigators also released a more complete description of Goggin, saying he was 6’1” tall, weighing 68 kilograms (150 pounds) with light brown hair and a slight goatee.
Police also released two photos of the white four-dour Mazda sedan Goggin was driving on Monday morning. The car was at the scene where he was killed, in a shopping centre parking lot near 200th Street and the Langley Bypass.
“We are trying to identify additional witnesses to aid in victimology and assessing motive,” said Sergeant David Lee of IHIT, “there may be people out there who remember seeing Goggin, his Mazda, or may have even encountered him.”
Lee said investigators were aware of one additional witness already and are looking for others."
Our appreciation to the 100 Mile Free Press for the article
I can see this happening if the RCMP is anything like our FBI, agents and SACs sometimes deviate from protocol. But to lose so many lives while officers are spinning their wheels??