Women: have you ever seen a man you weren’t dating or related-to step in and correct misogyny in action? Have you ever seen a man tell another that he needs to stop because it’s wrong, rather than because of his relationship to you? I can think of 1 or 2 times in my entire life.
"Imagine how many future #MeToo stories we might have prevented had we shared our experiences and taken collective actions to expose the abusers. Silence and fear kept us in self-protective silos.
I took it for 17 years before I managed to leave. Money was the root of my not leaving sooner. I had hoped to have family support, but that didn't happen. My family sided with my abusive husband.
"I love the guys who say, “but if I course correct another man about misogyny he might punch me in the face.” Like yeah no shit dude, men getting violent when you challenge their mistreatment of women is a real fucking problem welcome to the conversation." Feminist Next Door Twitter
You might find, as I have, that bullies are often sidetracked when their actions are challenged. It is all in the presentation of your objection. If the misogynist knows a confrontation will result in his hospitalization, he is not likely to engage.